Austen’s Butterfly for the Digital Age!

Many educators are familiar with “Austen’s Butterfly” – a beautifully simple yet profound snapshot of how children make progress through acting on feedback repeatedly…

In our work on excellence this year at Chase Grammar School, we discovered our own Austen’s Butterfly for the Digital Age – in the work of students in creating a robot graphic in greater and greater detail…

Butterfly or robot – both show the wonderful power of a child’s mind to learn and to create in progressively greater levels of detail and complexity.

Both are wonderful examples of excellence in education!

Published by Michael Hartland

Michael Hartland, Principal of Chase Grammar, is a talented educator and inspirational leader. He has spent the past 30 years in the field of education, gaining his first leadership role as Head of English at Clayesmore School, Dorset, in 1999, then moved via Head of English at Sutton High School (Girls' Day School Trust) to Assistant Head Teacher at Wimbledon College, a London comprehensive school for over 1200 boys. He joined Chase Grammar in 2016. He has led the School as Principal since 2018 with outstanding skill, in the leadership and support offered to students and their families, staff members, forging connections locally, nationally and internationally. His passion for education and interest in leadership led to the introduction of the Chase Grammar Student Leaders scheme in 2019, working closely with the international organisation Leader in Me in 2020. Michael's articles on education have been published by The Times Education Supplement, Eteach, Independent Education, Innovate My School, the Independent Schools Association and Independent School Management Plus. He loves to meet new students and their families. He is an avid reader and especially enjoys writing the two Chase Grammar School blogs Leadership of the Hart ( and Read to Inspire the Hart (

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